The aim of this study was to validate a model for predicting overpressure arising from accidental hydrogen releases in areas with limited ventilation. Experiments were performed in a large-scale setup that included a steel-reinforced container of volume 14.9 m3 and variable ventilation areas and mass flow rates. The pressure peaking phenomenon, characterized as transient overpressure with a characteristic peak in a vented enclosure, was observed during all the experiments. The model description presented the relationship between the ventilation area, mass flow rate, enclosure volume, and discharge coefficient. The experimental results were compared with two prediction models representing a perfect mix and the real mix. The perfect mix assumed that all the released hydrogen was well stirred inside the enclosure during the releases. The real mix prediction s used the hydrogen concentration and temperature data measured during experiments. The prediction results with both perfect mix and real mix showed possible hazards during unignited hydrogen releases.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826193