Readme: Descriptive data for USN Research Data Archive Datasets generated by [Nicolas De Pelsmaeker] ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- TITLE FOR THE DATASETS: Replication data for: Host in Reserve: the role of common shrews (Sorex araneus) as a stable supplementary source of tick hosts in small mammal communitites influenced by rodent population cycles. INFORMATION ON PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR COLLECTING THE DATA - Nicolas De Pelsmaeker - University of South-Eastern Norway - email: 28-02-2022) or DATE(S) OF DATA COLLECTION - 2017-06-07 - 2017-07-20 - 2017-09-20 - 2018-05-20 - 2018-07-20 - 2018-09-20 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION(S) OF DATA COLLECTION - Lifjell Mountain Massif (Norway) - Erdal Valley Lærdalsøyri LANGUAGE - English ---------------- FILE INFORMATION ---------------- FOR EACH FILENAME - Ixodes_ricinus_larvae.csv - data for Ixodes ricinus larvae - comma separated value file - Microsoft Excel or R - Ixodes_ricinus_nymphs.csv - data for Ixodes ricinus nymphs - comma separated value file - Microsoft Excel or R - Ixodes_trianguliceps_larvae.csv - data for Ixodes trianguliceps larvae - comma separated value file - Microsoft Excel or R - Ixodes_trianguliceps_nymphs.csv - data for Ixodes trianguliceps nymphs - comma separated value file - Microsoft Excel or R - Absolute_burden_data.csv - comma separated value file - Microsoft Excel or R Each data files can be loaded into R, and the mixed effects model as described in the paper can be applied. ----------- METHODOLOGY ----------- - The data was collected by assessing the tick burdens of captred small mammals - Live and lethal traps were used to collect the small mammals - Tick burdens were assessed in the lab using stereo microscopes --------------------- VARIABLE EXPLANATION --------------------- - Ixodes_ricinus_larvae.csv: * Station: Altitude (m) of the trapping locations * Site: study area * Year: collection year * Pop_size: population size (number of captures) * Pop_vole: number of bank voles captured * Pop_shrew: number of common shrews captured * X_values_rel: ratio of bank voles in the total host population * Hum: relative air humidity (%) * Log_mean_ric_l: logarithm of the mean tick burden * Log_mean_ric_l_mod: logarithm of the mean tick burden to which a constant was added - Ixodes_ricinus_nymphs.csv: * Station: Altitude (m) of the trapping locations * Site: study area * Year: collection year * Pop_size: population size (number of captures) * Pop_vole: number of bank voles captured * Pop_shrew: number of common shrews captured * X_values_rel: ratio of bank voles in the total host population * Hum: relative air humidity (%) * Log_mean_ric_n: logarithm of the mean tick burden * Log_mean_ric_n_mod: logarithm of the mean tick burden to which a constant was added - Ixodes_trianguliceps_larvae.csv: * Station: Altitude (m) of the trapping locations * Site: study area * Year: collection year * Pop_size: population size (number of captures) * Pop_vole: number of bank voles captured * Pop_shrew: number of common shrews captured * X_values_rel: ratio of bank voles in the total host population * Hum: relative air humidity (%) * Log_mean_tri_l: logarithm of the mean tick burden * Log_mean_tri_l_mod: logarithm of the mean tick burden to which a constant was added - Ixodes_trianguliceps_nymphs.csv: * Station: Altitude (m) of the trapping locations * Site: study area * Year: collection year * Pop_size: population size (number of captures) * Pop_vole: number of bank voles captured * Pop_shrew: number of common shrews captured * X_values_rel: ratio of bank voles in the total host population * Hum: relative air humidity (%) * Log_mean_tri_n: logarithm of the mean tick burden * Log_mean_tri_n_mod: logarithm of the mean tick burden to which a constant was added Absolute_burden_data.csv: * hostid: serial number of every captured host * site: study area * alt: altitude (m) * traptype: type of trap used. L: Live, D: Lethal * species: species name of the captured animal * ticks: total size of the tick burden * weight: weight (g) of the captured host * doa: "dead on arrival". 0: found dead in the trap, 1: foudn alive in the trap * year: collection year * season: collection season * ric_l: number of Ixodes ricinus larvae * ric_n: number of Ixodes ricinus nymphs * tri_l: number of Ixodes trianguliceps larvae * tri_n: number of Ixodes trianguliceps nymphs * humidity: relative air humidity (%) * hum_scale: rescaled air humidity * weight_overall_standard: standardized weight of the host over the whole host population * weight_sp_standard: standardized weight of the host per species population * altnum: altitude (m)