ReadMe file for USN Research Data Archive ReadMe file generated on 2022-03-27 by Rasmus Mohr Mortensen ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Data from Mortensen et al. 2022:"Hazel dormouse in managed woodland select for young, dense, and species-rich tree stands", Forest Ecology and Management, Contact Information [of the person to be contacted for questions about the dataset] - Name: Rasmus Mohr Mortensen - Institution: University of South-Eastern Norway - Email: - ORCID: 0000-0003-4975-608X DATE(S) OF DATA COLLECTION AND/OR TIME PERIOD COVERED 2012 to 2014 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION(S) OF DATA COLLECTION 15 forest locations scattered across Fyn and Sjælland, Denmark. See also Figure 1 in the paper. TYPE OF DATA: 1) "Hazel_dormouse_nestbox_nesttube_habitat_assessment_25m.txt": Dormouse presence/absence in nestboxes and habitat variables within 25 m radius 2) "Hazel_dormouse_telemetry_habitat_assessment_3m.txt": Dormouse radio-tracking + available locations within home ranges together with habitat variables within 3 m radius. 3) "Hazel_dormouse_individual_selection.txt": Selection coefficients of individual dormice for SSAS, vegetation density, and tree circumference together with ecological information of each individual dormice. LANGUAGE English ------------ METHODOLOGY ------------ Nest box surveys, radio-tracking, and habitat assessments. See "Methods" in the paper for detailed descriptions of each method and statistical analysis. ---------------- FILE INFORMATION ---------------- File List: 1) "Hazel_dormouse_nestbox_nesttube_habitat_assessment_25m.txt": Dormouse presence/absence in nestboxes and habitat variables within 25 m radius 2) "Hazel_dormouse_telemetry_habitat_assessment_3m.txt": Dormouse radio-tracking + available locations within home ranges together with habitat variables within 3 m radius. 3) "Hazel_dormouse_individual_selection.txt": Selection coefficients of individual dormice for SSAS, vegetation density, and tree circumference together with ecological information of each individual dormice. Variable and/or codes or symbols explanation: (See "Methods" and Table 1 in the paper for detailed descriptions of each method and statistical analysis) Use = Nest boxes (1 if used by dormouse, 0 if not), Telemetry (1 = Used by dormouse, 0 = Available location within home range) ID = id of the habitat assessment ForestLocation = name of Forest DormouseID = ID number of dormouse individual VD = Vegetation density index in low (0-2m), middle (2-10m), high (>10m), low-middle, middle-high, and all layers Canopy = Tree canopy percentage Height = Height (m) of tallest tree Girth = Tree circumference (m) of thickest tree SSAS = Summed species abundance score of various species groups MAP = maple (Acer spp.) ASH = ash (Fraxinus excelsior) SPIN = spindle (Euonymus europaeus) BIR = birch (Betula spp.) BLA = blackberry (Rubus plicatus) ASP = Aspen (Populus spp.) BEE = beech (Fagus sylvatica) OAK = oak (Quercus spp) ALD = Alder (Alnus spp.) ELMS = elm (Ulmus spp.) PINE = pine (Pinus spp. and Pseudotsuga menziesii) HON = honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.) SPRU = spruce (Picea spp.) BRO = broom (Cytisus scoparius) HAZ = hazel (Corylus avellana) RAS = raspberry (Rubus ideaus) CHES = horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) ELD = elder (Sambucus spp.) CHER = cherry (Prunus spp.) DOG = dogwood (Cornus spp.) HOL = holly (Ilex acquifolium) GUEL = guelder rose (Viburnum opulus) LIN = linden (Tilia cordata) LAR = larch (Larix spp.) FMAP = field maple (Acer campestre) WIL = willow (Salix spp.) ROS = dog rose (Rosa canina) ROW = rowan (Sorbus spp.) SLOE = sloe (Prunus spinosa) CYP = thuja (Thuja plicata) HAWT = hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) BUCK = buckthorn (Frangula alnus) APP = Apple (Malus sylvestris) meanVDAll = mean available vegetation density (see also VD variable above) meanSSAS_Selected = mean available summed species abundance score (see also SSAS variable above) meanGirth = mean available tree trunk thickness (see also Girth variable above) meanHeight = mean available tree height (see also Height variable above) Sex = M (Male), F (Female) BodyMass = weight in gram Juliandate = mean Julian day of tracking term = model term estimate = individual selection coefficient std.error = standard error of selection coefficient ------- SHARING ------- ALL UPLOADED DATASETS HAVE THEIR OWN CITE AND SHARING SECTION IN USN RESEARCH DATA ARCHIVE Acknowledgements. This README file template is adapted from DataverseNO's general README file Template Version: 2.1. Available at: